Northwest Wayne Vicariate

The Archdiocese of Detroit will bring youth and young adults into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ through the sacraments, prayer, the study of his Divine Word and by showing them how the faith relates to their daily lives, so that with Jesus as the center of their lives, they are better able to discern their vocation and are inspired to share their gifts, energy and enthusiasm in the mission of the Church. 

Our vision is to understand the essential role of Catholic schools in the mission of the Church, promote the evangelical mission of schools, centered on Christ, while enhancing their academic excellence & providing equal access through shared resources.

Evangelization & Catechesis


Catholic Schools

The Catholic Church, through the loving and faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit, shares the presence of Christ through acts of service.

Given that the primary mission of the Church is to evangelize, the goals of the Archdiocese of Detroit will be to: To re-engage, renew, and re-invigorate in all Catholics our baptismal call to enthusiastically share Jesus in and through the New Evangelization. We strive to promote  Jesus’ message of salvation through evangelizing those within as well as outside of the Catholic faith. One of our main goals is to  promote Gospel values in our society by recognizing the dignity of all people, the importance of the family, and Christian value advocacy.

Lay Leadership

Youth & Young Adult


The Mission of the Vicariate

Christian Service & Outreach

Given that “the duty of fostering vocations rests with the entire Christian community so that the needs of the sacred ministry in the universal Church are provided for sufficiently” and that “this duty especially binds Christian families, educators, and, in a special way, priests, particularly pastors”, (Canon 233 §1); the vision of the Archdiocese of Detroit will be to create a vocations friendly environment at every level so that those who are called by God, especially vocations to the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life, may hear and respond.

Through collaborative leadership models, we will cultivate leaders who are rooted in our common mission of sharing Christ in and through the Church.